Monday, June 10, 2013

Nook or Book?

With all the new technology that is being created in the world, e-readers were bound to be made. Nooks are indeed remarkable creations because they allow you to easily find the definition of a word and highlight key passages as your read just at the touch of a button. The ability to buy almost any book you want from one single device is fascinating. But yet, there are still many people who prefer to stick to the old fashioned books.

Books provide an easy way to mark the progress of your reading because you can easily see how many pages you have left. One thing I do not like about Nooks is that depending on the font size and margins you personalize, there may be more pages than there actually are in the book. For example, if I am reading a 300 page book, it could show that I have 500 pages to read because my font is bigger than the original font in the novel.

Despite these minor challenges, I think nooks are an easy way to sit down and read; they take away the struggle of going and buying a book from a bookstore. I think it is more just a personal choice of the reader if they lean more towards Nooks or Books. What do you prefer?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Page to Screen

The Page to Screen assignment allowed me to compare the similarities and differences between novels and movies. It was interesting how the text from the novel was translated into the script. Reading The Silver Linings Playbook was an eye opening experience; pun intended because I literally watched the movie after I finished the novel.

Both the novel and movie for The Silver Linings Playbook had pretty much the storyline and main characters. The main difference was that some of the minor events in the novel were replaced by  an alternate ending in the movie. I think that these changes were acceptable because from a director's point of view, the audience must be entertained. I was most definitely entertained by the humor and even emotional scenes; thus, I enjoyed these changes.

The amount of time and effort it takes to translate a novel into a movie is very lengthy and strenuous because sscreenwriters must make a 300 page novel into a 2 hour movie production. In my opinion, it is no easy task. Also, the screenwriters have to adjust the narration of the novels if they are written in first person. To do this, they can have the thoughts of the main character said aloud or have a 'sidekick or friend' discuss them.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stepping Out of your Comfort Zone

The aspect of novels that keep them interesting is the fact that there are so many genres to explore. You can be a lover of romance novels but still enjoy the fast-paced thrill of adventure novels. It is important to try reading books that are out of your comfort zone because you need to gain perspective and new ideas.

When I had an assignment to a read book out of my comfort zone, my teacher recommended that I read Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. This is a classic dystopian novel that focuses on the discoveries and consequences of science. It portrays the overruling nature of the government in which the people have no right to read or feel emotions other than happiness. Huxley basically created a world that is willing to give up true joy just for bland happiness that is free of suffering and misery. 

Because it is a science fiction novel, it is outside of my comfort zone and is not the typical book I would read. I personally have not enjoyed this novel because I could not visualize the situations and scenes that occurred in the book. I did not like how this World State was presented because it seemed too unrealistic for me; therefore I was not the biggest fan of this novel. I am used to visualizing and am a visual reader. Many of my peers have told me it is one of the best books they have read so far but, I beg to differ.